HARRISBURG –State Sen. Tracy Pennycuick (R-24) was selected by Senate leadership to deliver the annual Lincoln Day address today to the Pennsylvania Senate.
The address is given on the first session day following Abraham Lincoln’s February 12, birthday.
“More has been written, and spoken, about Abraham Lincoln than perhaps any other president, or any politician for that matter,” Pennycuick said. “I believe we can still find wisdom in his words and deeds to help guide us in our work in 2023.”
Pennycuick noted Lincoln’s 1834 election to the Illinois legislature, where he was recognized as a master at drafting bills for others and forging proposals that could earn support from both sides of the aisle. She encouraged her colleagues to work together on issues important to Pennsylvania citizens.
“The people of this great commonwealth have placed their trust in the people sitting in this chamber. Let us rededicate ourselves to the unfinished work of today, and honor Abe Lincoln, the legislator and consensus-builder,” Pennycuick said.
You can view Sen. Pennycuick’s Lincoln Day address here.
CONTACT: Lidia Di Fiore ldifiore@pasen.gov (215) 541-2388