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E-news Updates – July 25, 2024
July 25, 2024

E-news Updates – July 25, 2024

Dear Friends, When we send our kids to school, we assume that they will be safe. To help better protect our families, the Senate passed legislation to require school districts to have at least one trained security personnel. This legislation helps protect our kids at school and furthers our commitment of fostering healthy and safe […]  [Read More]

E-news Updates – July 19, 2024
July 19, 2024

E-news Updates – July 19, 2024

Dear Friends, As you know, my legislation to strengthen data breach notification requirements and provide free credit monitoring to affected citizens is now law. The surge in cyberattacks has made identity theft and financial loss a terrifying reality for millions of Americans. Victims face immediate financial hardship and the constant fear of further harm. This […]  [Read More]

E-news Updates – July 12, 2024
July 12, 2024

E-news Updates – July 12, 2024

Dear Friends, I’m pleased to report that the Pennsylvania Legislature and the Governor have come to an agreement on the 2024-2025 budget. During these high inflationary times, it is critical that we are transparent and honest with taxpayers about the realities of our state’s fiscal picture. After lengthy negotiations, we were able to beat back […]  [Read More]

E-news Updates – July 5, 2024
July 5, 2024

E-news Updates – July 5, 2024

Dear Friends, I hope you had a wonderful Independence Day with family and friends! In Harrisburg, we continue to work on a state budget. My focus remains on empowering families and small businesses, all while keeping taxes stable. I am encouraged by the ongoing dialogue between the Senate, House, and Governor and hopeful a responsible […]  [Read More]

E-news Updates – June 28, 2024
June 28, 2024

E-news Updates – June 28, 2024

Dear Friends, As you’ll read below, the Governor signed my legislation to provide free credit monitoring for data breach victims. An unfortunate consequence of modern technology is the increased risk of cybercrimes. Such threats pose serious risks to citizens, including identity theft and loss of hard-earned money. Victims of data breaches must deal with immediate […]  [Read More]

E-news Updates – June 21, 2024
June 21, 2024

E-news Updates – June 21, 2024

Dear Friends, As Chair of the Senate Communications and Technology Committee, I often hear about the ways in which individuals are taken advantage of and have their identities stolen through the internet. On July 11th, I am hosting an event with members of numerous law enforcement offices to provide helpful information about how you can […]  [Read More]

E-news Updates – June 13, 2024
June 13, 2024

E-news Updates – June 13, 2024

Dear Friends, This week, I had the honor of hosting an event for women veterans from all branches of the military and all ranks. As a U.S. Army veteran myself, I was incredibly proud to connect with these amazing women. There are more than 71,000 female veterans residing in our great Commonwealth today, and that […]  [Read More]

E-news Updates – June 7, 2024
June 7, 2024

E-news Updates – June 7, 2024

Dear Friends, Recently, we marked the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the Allied invasion of Normandy. As a retired Army combat veteran, I stand in deep respect for the immense courage of the soldiers who stormed the beaches and parachuted behind enemy lines on that fateful day. Their sacrifice, ensuring freedom for so many, is a […]  [Read More]

E-news Updates – May 30, 2024
May 30, 2024

E-news Updates – May 30, 2024

Dear Friends, This Memorial Day, we gathered to remember the true cost of our freedom. We honored the fallen heroes who gave their all, and the families whose lives were forever changed. Their sacrifice will never be forgotten. Their courage inspires us to continue striving for the ideals they fought for. Let their memory be […]  [Read More]

E-news Updates – May 22, 2024
May 22, 2024

E-news Updates – May 22, 2024

Dear Friends, Ensuring our elections are fair is a top priority of mine. That’s why as Chair of the Senate Communications and Technology Committee, I introduced legislation to prohibit AI interference in our elections. While AI has numerous benefits, we need to make sure artificially generated content doesn’t negatively influence our elections. I am hopeful […]  [Read More]

E-news Updates – May 15, 2024
May 15, 2024

E-news Updates – May 15, 2024

Dear Friends, This National Police Week, let us honor the heroes who keep our schools and communities safe every day. As a parent, I know the peace of mind strong police response brings. That’s why I’m proposing legislation for silent panic alarms in all schools, giving officers the tools they need to act swiftly in […]  [Read More]

E-news Updates – May 9, 2024
May 9, 2024

E-news Updates – May 9, 2024

Dear Friends, This week, the state Senate passed legislation to cut income taxes and the tax on energy bills. Our plan invests $3 billion into all Pennsylvanians, by lowering our utility bills and adding more money to people’s paychecks – not by massive expansion of government programs. Given the state’s current financial position, I believe […]  [Read More]

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