HARRISBURG – Sen. Tracy Pennycuick (R-24) has introduced legislation providing an incentive for employers to hire Pennsylvania National Guard members and strengthening Guard recruitment and retention efforts.
Senate Bill 985 would establish the Pennsylvania National Guard Employer Tax Credit Program.
“The Pennsylvania National Guard is recognized as one of the finest national guards in the nation, and it’s largely made up of part-time members who work full-time jobs,” said Pennycuick, a U.S. Army combat veteran. “Giving employers an incentive to hire Guard members boosts access to workers with unique skill sets and makes serving in the Guard more attractive to Pennsylvanians.”
Recruitment and retention numbers for the Guard has dipped in previous years presenting a manpower challenge as the Guard works to remain mission ready for their dual state and federal responsibilities. Since most guardsmen serve “part time,” a key consideration for these dedicated and skilled individuals is obtaining full-time employment while they serve.
Under the legislation, a $1,000 tax credit would be available if a business hires an active member of the Pennsylvania Guard or if a current employee enlists or re-enlists in the Guard. The tax credit can be used to offset income tax or corporate net income tax liabilities.
“By incentivizing the hiring and retention of our Guard members, we can help maintain recruitment and ensure the Guard has the manpower necessary to meet future challenges,” she said.
The Pennsylvania National Guard traces its founding to 1747 to The Associators in Philadelphia, under the direction of Ben Franklin. The Pennsylvania National Guard has both a state and a federal mission. Their state mission is to protect life and property, maintain peace and order and provide civil defense, while dedicated to supporting national missions throughout the world. They support numerous partnerships, including domestic commitments with various local, state and federal agencies.
CONTACT: Matt Szuchyt