HARRISBURG – Legislation to safeguard transit operators against assault was passed by the Senate, according to Sen. Tracy Pennycuick (R-24).
To deter such assaults, Senate Bill 977 would make it a serious crime to interfere with an operator of any public transit vehicle. The offense would be classified as a felony of the third degree if the interference causes bodily injury. The offense would be steepened to a felony of the first degree if the intrusion causes serious bodily injury or death.
“Upholding safety on our public transit systems is critical for operators and riders from cities and suburbs,” Pennycuick said. “A key part of maintaining order is making it clear that if you interfere with transit operators you face a serious penalty.”
Passage of the legislation is part of the ongoing effort of Senate Republicans to invest in infrastructure and increase public safety.
The bill now heads to the House of Representatives for consideration.
CONTACT: Matt Szuchyt (717) 787-3110