HARRISBURG – Sen. Tracy Pennycuick (R-24) today announced the approval of state funding assistance for fourteen redevelopment projects across the 24th Senate District in Montgomery and Berks Counties.
“These projects will ensure that critical points of infrastructure within Montgomery and Berks Counties receive maintenance required to continue serving residents across the region” said Pennycuick.
The funding was approved by the Commonwealth Financing Authority through the H2O PA Water Supply, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Water Projects Program, the Small Water and Sewer Program Projects Program, and the PA Arts and Culture Recovery Program.
The H2O PA program provides for single-year and multi-year grants for the construction of drinking water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer projects; the construction or renovation of flood control projects; and the repair or rehabilitation of high-hazard unsafe dams.
H2O PA Water Supply, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Water Projects:
Lower Pottsgrove Township Authority ($361,144)
Lower Pottsgrove Township Authority will receive funds to assist with the replacement and rehabilitation of sanitary sewer lines in the township.
North Wales Water Authority ($500,000)
North Wales Water Authority will use the funds to replace a water main between Broad Street and Valley Forge Road in Upper Gwynedd Township, Montgomery County.
Amity Township ($1.75 million)
Amity Township will receive funds to assist with constructing expansions to its Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Schwenksville Borough Authority ($575,682)
Schwenksville Township Authority will receive funds for repairs to the wastewater tank located in the Borough.
Pottstown Borough ($744,073)
Pottstown Borough will use funds to repair a stormwater arch located within the Borough.
The Small Water and Sewer Program provides grants for small water, sewer and storm water infrastructure projects.
Small Water and Sewer Projects:
Topton Borough ($185,000)
Topton Borough will receive funds for the replacement of a water main located within the Borough.
Upper Montgomery Joint Authority ($423,576)
Upper Montgomery Joint Authority will receive funds for a lateral lining and rehabilitation project located in East Greenville, Pennsburg, and Red Hill Boroughs.
Upper Gwynedd Township ($421,231)
Upper Gwynedd Township will receive funds to assist with a storm sewer renovation project.
Berks-Montgomery Municipal Authority ($276,617)
Berks-Montgomery Municipal Authority will use funds for a sanitary sewer rehabilitation at two separate locations in Colebrookdale Township, Berks County, and Douglass Township, Montgomery County.
Pottstown Borough Authority ($212,472)
Pottstown Borough Authority will use funds to purchase and install a new generator.
North Wales Water Authority ($423,895)
North Wales Water Authority will receive funds to assist with a manhole inflow and infiltration abatement project in North Wales Borough, Montgomery County.
The PA Arts and Culture Recovery Program (PACR) provides grants to nonprofit arts and culture organizations, local arts and culture districts and arts and culture professionals located in the Pennsylvania to ensure the stability of the Commonwealth’s arts and culture sector.
PA Arts and Culture Recovery Projects:
Community Music School of Collegeville ($24,913)
Community Music School of Collegeville with receive funds to help cover operating and marketing expenses for the organization’s location in Trappe Borough, Montgomery County.
Schwenkfelder Library & Heritage Center ($21,227)
Schwenkfelder Library & Heritage Center will use funding to cover operating costs of the museum’s location in Pennsburg Borough, Montgomery County.
Steel River Playhouse ($20,621)
Steel River Playhouse will use funding to offset lost revenue and cover operational costs for the organization’s location in Pottstown Borough, Montgomery County.
CONTACT: Lidia Di Fiore (215) 541-2388