HARRISBURG – Legislation aimed at providing care for the unique health needs of women veterans was unanimously approved by a Senate committee today, according to sponsors Sen. Tracy Pennycuick (R-24), Sen. Frank Farry (R-6) and Sen. Lisa Boscola (D-18).
The Senate Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee approved Senate Resolution 46, which would establish the Task Force on Women Veterans’ Health Care in Pennsylvania. The task force would study health issues facing women veterans and make recommendations to the governor and General Assembly. The panel would be composed of individuals with relevant specialties, including the chair of the State Veterans’ Commission and health care providers.
Additionally, the measure would pave the way for Pennsylvania to potentially receive additional federal funding to address women veterans’ health care issues.
“There are nearly 60,000 women veterans in Pennsylvania. By 2045, it is estimated that women will make up approximately 18% of Commonwealth veterans,” said Pennycuick, an U.S. Army combat veteran. “The particular health needs of women can often be overlooked in providing services to a large, predominantly male, veteran population. This task force will recommend steps to make that less likely.”
“This task force is a crucial step in ensuring female veterans have access to health care designed to support their specific needs,” Farry said. “I am proud to support this resolution and will continue to be an advocate for those that risk everything in service to our country.”
Sen. Boscola said, “I am grateful for the committee’s support for this bipartisan effort and more importantly, the positive attention this issue is receiving. The taskforce will provide important insight for our Commonwealth on what areas of care should be improved as more women commit themselves to military service for our Commonwealth.”
The concurrent resolution is part of the Pennsylvania Agenda for Women’s Health, a comprehensive proposal to address health issues affecting Pennsylvania women veterans. The measure now moves to the full Senate for consideration.
CONTACT: Lidia DiFiore (215) 541-2388