
During the 2025-2026 Legislative Session, I have introduced several bills and co-sponsored additional legislation with my colleagues. For detailed information on the status, cosponsors, and specifics of each bill, please click the links below.

2025-2026 Legislation

Parity of Gaming Across the Commonwealth

Study of State-Owned Aviation Assets

World Down Syndrome Day

Disclosure of Artificially Intelligent Generated Content

Social Work Licensure Compact

Classifying Deepfakes as Digital Forgery

Strengthening Bail Requirements for Public Safety

Bernard Gribbin’s Law – Protecting Transit Operators

Constitutional Amendment: Providing for Voter Identification

Updating Pennsylvania’s Semiconductor Manufacturing Tax Credit Program

Education Opportunity Accounts for Military Families

Korean American Day and the 50th Anniversary of the Phillip Jaisohn Memorial Foundation

Delivering Better Health Care for our Veterans

Requiring Social Media Platforms to Remove Unauthorized Intimate Images

Protecting Tenants Who are Victims of Violent Crime and Abuse

Prohibition of Declawing Cats

First In Math

Cybersecurity Investments

U.S Army – 250th Birthday

Month of the Military Child and Purple Up! for Military Kids Day 2025

Combating Cybersecurity Risks and Artificial Intelligence Right-to-Know Requests

Green Alert for Veterans

Strengthening the Law Prohibiting the Use of Bots to Purchase Tickets

Global War on Terror Bonus

Veterans Day 2025

Diagnostic Breast Imaging

Filial Responsibility Reform

Website ADA Compliance

Realty Transfer Tax Credit for First Responders’ Surviving Families

Establishing the Office of Employee Ownership

Streamlining Fishing Licenses for Disabled Veterans

Protecting the Rights of Concealed Carry Permit Holders Traveling Across State Lines Act

Expanding the Fostering Independence Tuition Waiver Program

Right-To-Know Law Disability Accommodations Exception

Aiding Counties to Dispose of Household Hazardous Waste

Public School Financial Transparency

Save Women’s Sports Act

Making the Chief Information Officer of the Commonwealth a Cabinet Level Position

COLA for Municipal Police Officers and Firefighters

PA Korean VALOR Act

Sterling Act Reimbursement

Alyssa’s Law

Providing Property Tax Relief for Disabled Veterans

Removing the Wartime Provision from Pennsylvania’s Disabled Veterans’ Real Estate Tax Exemption

Kratom Consumer Protection Act

Child Abuse Reporting and Military Personnel

National Guard Employer Tax Credit

Protecting Our Elections from Artificial Intelligence Interference

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